Abatement Technologies® and all subsidiaries including, but not limited to, ATL Filtration™, take your privacy seriously. This policy details how we protect you and your information, how we use your information (if at all) and how you can ask for it from our company.

When you visit the Site, we collect certain information about your device, your interaction with the Site, and information necessary to process your purchases. We may also collect additional information if you contact us for customer support. In this Privacy Policy, we refer to any information that can uniquely identify an individual (including the information below) as “Personal Information”. See the list below for more information about what Personal Information we collect and why.
Device information
Examples of Personal Information collected: version of web browser, IP address, time zone, cookie information, what sites or products you view, search terms, and how you interact with the Site.

We use Google Analytics and other data analysis tools to ensure our site is efficient and functioning properly. We do not store any detailed personal data about you, we do have tools that capture your IP address, and our use of that address is not nefarious. We don't use that address other than to inform us where you're coming from and to help ensure you see the right products and content for your region. This is also particularly significant because this privacy policy is designed to comply with new international data privacy standards.

Quote information
Examples of Personal Information collected: name, location, email address, phone number, industry type and the products you are enquiring about.

Purpose of collection: to provide pricing on products or services to you to fulfill our contract, to process your request, and communicate with you, screen requests for potential risk or fraud, and when in line with the preferences you have shared with us, provide you with information or advertising relating to our products or services.

Source of collection: collected from you.

You can opt out of using cookies on our site by clicking the banner you see on entry. You can also block cookies in your browser. When you block cookies you prohibit our ability to track your interaction with our site. We only do that to improve our marketing efforts because, as with all businesses, we are interested in improving our efforts, finding efficiencies and closing deals. It is what keeps us informed, allows us to serve you better.

Anything we collect from you is specifically related to the forms you fill on our site. This information is stored in our CRM and is used to provide you with requested information and to keep you informed on our company products and services. 

All of the tools we have that store your info are listed below: Hubspot, Salesforce, Google Analytics

Not every person that interacts with our site will have their data shared with these tools

Examples of Personal Information collected: name, location, email address, phone number, and industry type.

Purpose of collection: We use this information to determine the best way to answer your enquiry. This information will go to internal staff that can best help you in your region. 

Source of collection: collected from you.

We are fully compliant with CAN-SPAM, CASL, and GDPR. If you sign up to receive mail from us, you will. If you are doing business with us, you'll hear from us. If you want to leave, you can unsubscribe. It is simple, and readily available on all of your correspondence with us. If you are not sure how you came to hear from us, ask us. We will explain to you why you’re being contacted and how that works in relationship with the legislative parameters where you are.

Information is stored in Hubspot and Salesforce.

Source of collection: collected from you.

If you're engaged with our company, we might follow you on social media, we might even say hello. If that is unwelcome, tell us. We will stop.

You are not required to follow our social media accounts, but it is a great resource for up to date information on our products and services.


Responsible for Personal Information Protection
We have designated a person responsible for Law 25 and personal information protection within our company. They can be reached at: or at +1-800-827-6443.


Incident Reporting
We report any incidents concerning the confidentiality of information to the Commission d’accès à l’information, as required by the law. We have implemented a governance and alert escalation process to manage these situations.


Governance and Personal Information Protection
We have established governance for personal information and program development. This includes a governance policy and practice that ensures the protection of personal information. This information can be downloaded here.


Privacy Policy
We have published on our website and disseminated through appropriate means a privacy policy written in clear and simple terms, easy to access. It is available at the following address:


Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
Before undertaking any information system project involving the collection, use, communication, retention, or destruction of personal information, we conduct Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs).  

Individual Information and Data Collection
We inform individuals of the purposes of data collection, the methods of collection, the right of access and correction, and the right to withdraw their consent. Users of our website can accept or refuse the use of Cookies.  

Maximum Confidentiality
We offer the highest level of confidentiality without the intervention of the concerned individual for our company, which provides the public with a technological product or service with privacy settings.

We are committed to ensuring the protection of your personal information and comply with all applicable legal requirements.